Looks like Silverton has cried “uncle” and will be rolling out the all natural, artificial grass welcome mat for the EPA to clean up the mess the feds created at the Gold King Mine. The Durango Herald reports that local officials don’t want to rush it, but have no...

DENIED! Supreme Court Tells Hick to Pound Sand

UPDATE: The Supreme Court has reissued their decision to explain that it will not hear the case because the attorney general provided adequate “alternate remedies” in her response to Hickenlooper’s filing, which was a similar case already decided by the court. In that...

DEMOCRATIC SCHISM: Delegation Divided over Syrian Refugees

The debate over allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. and Colorado has caused a bizarre rift among Democrats. On one side, there’s Gov. Hickenlooper, one of only a few governors measuring curtains for the refugees. And also U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, who voted against...

OH BOTHER: When Hick Speaks, the Terrorists Win

Gov. Hickenlooper defended his position on CNN this weekend to allow Syrian refugees to resettle in Colorado with the argument that if we don’t, then the terrorists will have won. Hick also insisted that refugees have never committed an act of terror in the U.S....

NOT WELCOME: Hick Leaves the Light on for Terrorists

An announcement is expected any day now on President Obama’s plan to shut down Gitmo and relocate terrorists into the U.S., and possibly a Colorado prison. But given the attack Friday on Paris, certainly his top advisors were gathered around the Oval Office this...