Oct 19, 2017
We were wrong about the delivery, but we were right about the pitch. In a post yesterday, we poked a little fun at what Gov. Hickenlooper’s incentive package to Amazon might be to lure them to Colorado and build the company’s new second headquarters. We weren’t too...
Oct 18, 2017
While Gov. Hickenlooper is in India recruiting IT workers to come work here, we’re watching the prospect of Amazon choosing Colorado as its second headquarters slip further and further behind in the rearview mirror. And if cheap labor combined with a hip lifestyle was...
Oct 17, 2017
Gov. Hickenlooper has been a taxpayer-paid politician for 15 years but he’s still lousy at politics. That’s what he told the Colorado Springs Gazette in a backhanded compliment to himself, because it’s not cool these days to be a politician. But it is cool to be good...
Oct 16, 2017
News clues dropped by the foreign press reveal that Gov. Hickenlooper’s whirlwind trip through India is to outsource collaborate on cyber security. “In the past, India was seen as a back office. Now, it is seen as a partner rather than an employee or consultant. For...
Oct 12, 2017
Having forgotten that he’s the governor of a state, Hickenlooper says he wants the EPA to usurp a state’s authority in order to put the coal industry out of business — also know as Obama’s so-called clean energy plan. “Here in Colorado, clean energy is not a partisan...