DEAD WEIGHT: CNN/ORC Poll Shows Democrats Sinking Fast

It’s starting to feel a lot like 2010 again.  Yesterday’s CNN/ORC International poll is showing that the wind is at the back of Republicans in Congressional races heading into the 2014 mid-term elections. From the poll’s analysis: “A CNN/ORC...

NAUGHTY OR NICE: The Peak’s Gifts to Some of Our Favorites

It’s that time of the year PeakNation™ where we here at the Peak try to make up in one solid day all the naughtiness we sprinkle throughout the rest of the year in hopes Santa will bring us that Republican majority we’re asking for (we’ll also settle for the...

SPIN CYCLE: Hickenlooper Wishy-Washy on Guns; CPR Covers His…Tail

Colorado Public Radio, in a recent interview with Governor Hickenlooper, seemingly made up a quote to give Hick a spine that he has clearly demonstrated he doesn’t have.  Here is how CPR wrote up the story: “If someone comes and has some way of improving or...