Nov 3, 2011
Some people never learn. You can beat them over the head with the lesson and it still won't sink in. Case in point: Liberal Loon Carol Hedges. The big government budget maven from the liberal Fiscal Policy Institute believes, unlike anyone else in Colorado, that...
Nov 3, 2011
After the massive defeat of the liberal pet project Prop 103, Rep. Sal Pace (D-Urination) trotted out another electoral loser to beg for campaign cash in an email today. Despite refusing to back Prop 103, and watching it go down in a big way in his liberal home county...
Nov 2, 2011
The election results hadn't even been certified and already liberal activists were ripping Governor Chickenlooper Hickenlooper a new one, furious over his refusal to back their $3 Billion tax hike. Rollie Heath, the main backer of the initiative that went down in...
Nov 2, 2011
We will be updating as soon as the results hit the County and City Clerk and Recorder's websites. Check the timestamp on the post to find out how up-to-date our results are.Proposition 103: 63.8% NO 36.1% YES (98% reporting)Aurora Mayor: 37.49% Hogan 30.11%...
Nov 2, 2011
In a stinging defeat for teachers' unions, Colorado's liberal political network, and a brazen group of Democrat legislators who dared to ask for higher taxes in a record-breaking recession, Proposition 103 was soundly rejected by the voters tonight, losing...