It's only March, and if yesterday's activities at the Capitol are any indicator, the liberal outrage machine is already running out of steam.

Tens of liberals showed up early to protest on behalf of Senate Bill 168, which one protester described as Colorado's way to single payer health care. Yes, that's right, it was only tens of protesters with estimates around 30-40 people. Real grassroots support there.


Immediately following the first lackluster protest of the day was a kickoff to the Latina/o Advocacy Day at the Capitol. At the rally the leadership of the events sponsoring the advocacy day claimed to be speaking out on behalf of all Hispanic citizens of Colorado. Interestingly, that included the group COLOR, a pro abortion group which would seem to contradict extensive public polling showing clear opposition to abortion in the Hispanic community. Clearly the Latina/o advocacy groups only represent the liberal portion of their community, but we digress…

The best part of the event was when a speaker led the group in booing the Hickenlooper-Garcia administration's proposed budget cuts, only to have the next speaker point out that Lt. Gov Garcia was in the crowd.


After last week's SEIU protest where union thugs verbally attacked Tea Party demonstrators, the MoveOn protest made famous by another attack on the Tea Party, the lackluster SB 168 protest and now the booing of their own allies at the Latina/o advocacy kickoff, we think maybe Tim Gill and Pat Stryker need to start funding "How to Hold an (on-message) Protest 101."

It's getting sloppy out there.