If Colorado Democrats lose just three seats in the state Senate this election year, it will create a seismic shift in the total control the party now holds over the entire state government.
Just three seats, that’s all it will take to stop the progressive rule that has been crippling our economy and imposing idiotic government controls over our everyday lives.
Our government was not designed to sustain such absolute power, but to ensure representation of all people.
As Tom Cronin and Bob Loevy write in Colorado Politics:
Both houses of the state legislature controlled by one political party is not what the Founders of our constitutional democracy had in mind. Their writings indicate they hoped the state legislatures, particularly the state houses of representatives, would become the home of the popular views of the average citizenry. Sadly, because of gerrymandering of state legislative district lines, our state legislatures are now resistant to the popular will and remain firmly in the grip of their dominant political parties.
Colorado is one of only seven states facing a chamber shift of power this election that would split control between the parties — and Lord knows we are in dire need of some checks and balance on what is coming out of the governor’s mansion in Boulder and the Capitol in Denver.
Just three seats. So go vote. Ballots hit mailboxes next week.