Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe O’Dea has received the endorsement of the man who once held that seat for the GOP.
Former U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell said this week the self-made businessman has what it takes to unite voters and win back that seat from the Democrats, whom we can all agree has made a real mess of things.
“Joe’s story is a Colorado story,” Campbell said in a statement released by the O’Dea campaign. “His character has helped him forge one of our state’s most successful construction firms, raise a beautiful family, and come November, reclaim my Senate seat for working families. We need a senator who is focused on ensuring that our government works for the people, not against them. Joe will be that senator.”
Campbell had the foresight to split from the Democratic party in 1995 to become a Republican, noting then the party was no longer about working Americans.
“Joe O’Dea has the ability to bring together Republicans, independents, and even disaffected Democrats who are fed up with their party’s failure to address the issues that matter. I encourage all to join me in supporting Joe’s campaign.”
O’Dea is running against state Rep. Ron Hanks in the June 28 Republican primary.