For the last three years, Gov. Polis has been a proud promoter of the belief in planetary demise by climate change, whether from drought to flood, rain to fire in the forests, hurricanes, hail and all manners of weather.
It was under this pretense of saving all mankind from extinction that Polis refused to request EPA waivers on air pollution restrictions because the dirty air didn’t originate here.
The waiver would have kept gas prices here low, but it was more important for Polis to force Coloradans to pay more per gallon for a different mix of fuel because other states cause air pollution.
Now that it’s an election year, rumor has it Polis is ready to let “science” be damned and claim the exemption so voters don’t have to pay an additional 50 cents a gallon.
He just hasn’t actually done it.
His Republican gubernatorial opponent, Heidi Ganahl, is calling Polis’s bluff and challenging him to stop the political pandering and act before the impending EPA deadline.
“For years, Jared Polis has been adamant in his refusal to submit a simple letter that would save Coloradans 50 cents a gallon because he prioritizes his and Joe Biden’s Green New Deal over the suffering of hardworking Coloradans. We see this for what it is: another election year ploy. If he is really willing to submit the letter, I call on Polis to submit that waiver today so that he meets the EPA deadline in time. Coloradans deserve the truth,” said Ganahl.
John Hickenlooper was willing to take the hit from the radical green left when he was governor and secured the exemption.
It will be interesting to see if Polis is willing to admit he’s been wrong the last three years, asks for the waiver, and absorbs the political fallout from his progressive base.
Or, he tells Colorado voters to pound sand and pay another 50 cents a gallon for gas.