It’s good to be a Democrat with one-party control of the state, where the media does all the dirty work for the political candidates seeking reelection.

Just ask Republican gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl, who has taken a beating by the establishment talking heads and ivory tower journalists on issues both real and imagined, since her showdown appearance with Gov. Polis in their first debate.

Ganahl has finally come up for air, and in a radio interview with George Brauchler was able to address many of those media criticisms.

Like, getting rid of Colorado’s income tax.

Quelle horreur!

Getting rid of waste, fraud and abuse in state government.

Supporting law enforcement and giving them the power and support to do their jobs.

And Furrygate was put to rest.

No, that’s the adult version. Ganahl made a comment about the kid version sending the Denver Post and Kyle Clark into a furry frenzie.

Listen to the whole interview here.