President Biden hit the campaign trail in Colorado Wednesday and announced the only reason that U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet became an environmentalist was so he could get laid.

Honest to God, he said it.

It will certainly go down as the most awkwardly hilarious Biden gaffe of the 2022 election season.

Even the official White House translator was shocked. We don’t understand sign language, but there was no mistaking that her translation was accurate.


“I just want you to know the reason why he’s an environmentalist, he married one, otherwise he’d sleep alone,” Biden said, while appearing for Bennet’s faux environmental show at Camp Hale.

Watch the senator slink away in shame.

Biden’s visit was ostensibly to boost Bennet’s reelection effort by declaring the former military training area a national monument.

Bonus for progressives, the declaration will block future energy development plus critical mineral mining, impede with wildfire management, and cost taxpayers a fortune to manage.

But for Bennet, the event will forever be known as that time the president of the United States told him he was lousy in bed.

Air Force One landed in Eagle, where Biden was greeted by Bennet, Gov. Polis, U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper and U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse.

Every single one of them lined up with their backs to the camera, as if they purposely wanted to avoid having their pictures taken with Biden on the tarmac. And honestly, who can blame them?

Polis eventually turned his head and we were able to capture his mug in profile.