Democrats have preached for nearly 50 years that voters needed to keep them in office in order to keep abortion legal.

Baby boomers will remember those olden time when women who had children out of wedlock were shunned by society, and their children called bastards.

There has been a seismic shift in the culture since then. But what hasn’t changed is the Democrat Party line that their candidates are only useful for keeping abortion legal.

The Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade, they warned for five decades, and then abortion will be illegal.

Only that’s not what happened. Abortion is still legal, many states just don’t allow it up until the moment of birth like Colorado does.

So Democrats have adjusted their election promises. If you elect us again, we’ll codify abortion into law, Democrats say.

And yet, why the Hell haven’t they done that before now?

The number one concern of voters throughout this election has been the economy, stupid, followed by crime.

And yet …

Voters are struggling to pay heating bills, buy gas and find groceries, but President Biden is so desperate to keep power he’s once again turned the conversation to abortion.

Biden promises (this time for sure), that if voters elect more Democratic senators and let him keep the House, he will codify abortion into law.

Biden doubled down on abortion rights as a voting issue for Democrats this November during a speech at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, D.C.

“We’re only 22 days away from the most consequential moment in our history in my view, in recent history at least — an election where the choice and the stakes are crystal clear, especially when it comes to the right to choose,” Biden said Tuesday.

So how many votes does Biden require to codify abortion into law?

He doesn’t say.

What he does say, is give him enough Senators to abolish the filibuster, so one-party-rule will forever be the way of doing business in Washington.

Democrats should remember that drastic step goes both ways. They may want Democrats to have unchecked power now, but do they want Republicans to have unchecked power in two years?

Codifying abortion will come later, Biden promises.

Like, maybe by the end of the next half century?