What’s being described as a “deep fake” version of Gov. Polis steals the show in a new satirical video asking voters to “help me keep the woman down” and offering to buy our vote to keep him in power for another four years.

Brought to you by the same folks who parodied other Polis ads, including our favorite, homeless poop, the video was paid for and authorized by Restore the Rockies, an independent expenditure committee.

The political commentary parody used “deep-fake technology” to ask the satirical question: “If Jared Polis was completely honest with Colorado voters, what would he actually say?” according to a statement from the group.

The video’s message focuses on the major problems Colorado is facing and Jared Polis’s attempt to distract from those problems using his own money. “Please disregard that our state is a total mess, and let me buy your vote instead,” says Polis in the video. Polis spent over $23 million to win office four years ago, and he’s currently outspending his opponent, Heidi Ganahl, by a large margin. “Jared Polis is using dollar bills to paper over the problems the state is suffering under his leadership,” the Restore the Rockies representative stated. Colorado is currently number one in the nation in car theft, bank robbery, cocaine use, and inflation. Drug overdoses and homelessness has also risen sharply during the last four years.

Brilliant technology aside, “there’s poop on the sidewalk” is still, hands down, the best parody ad of the campaign season.