With the Democrat Party of equality and inclusion securely ensconced in the Colorado State House, big changes are afoot.

Gone are the minority chairs of legislative committees, now replaced by an all white band.


Colorado Politics explains:

Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez is seeking a Denver City Council seat while Reps. Leslie Herod and Alex Valdez are both vying for mayor’s office.

In other words, the three women of color who formerly served as committee chairs are looking for better jobs elsewhere.

After Rep. David Ortiz discussed his concerns with leadership, they agreed to all agree and just shup up about it.

“The consensus is this is the team, and we will support each other,” he said.

House Speaker-designee Julie McCluskie assures everyone that what’s really exciting and what we should instead be focused on, is that her followers are historically diverse … or some such nonsense.

She said she’s excited about a historically diverse caucus and that Colorado is the second state to have a majority women legislature in the country.

To find out more about the new white leadership, read the rest here.

Meanwhile, there’s a lot less diversity of thought on House committee’s as well. Democrats have awarded themselves a five-seat member advantage over Republicans on eight committees, and three seats over the GOP on three committees.

To retool the ancient phrase, it’s good to be king the white queen.