Don’t count on Google to find out what’s really in the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill Democrats and some Republicans are pushing through Congress before the Christmas holiday.

Google’s return of articles on the omnibus bill paints the wild spending package as a saving grace to prevent a government shutdown — which it will be anyway over the Christmas and New Year’s holiday.

Only through individual posts on Twitter from numerous Republican lawmakers do we learn the devil’s in the details of 7,500 earmarks that includes $45 billion to Ukraine, no money for border security, and millions to groups facilitating illegal immigration.

Scroll through this thread for truly egregious earmarks.

Colorado Democrats are dutifully bragging in general terms only about their own pork projects, without explaining the ramifications of their actions.

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet stooped to accusing Republicans of sending children lumps of coal by refusing to add another $1.7 trillion to our $32 trillion in debt owned in part by Japan, China, and other countries.

Democrats aren’t the only ones to blame for this monstrosity that’s expected to pass. Some Republicans are complicit in loading up the pork to further inflate our economy.

Shame on them all.