Colorado’s slide into progressive politics is prompting urban flight out of liberal Denver and Arapahoe Counties and into more rural and conservative areas, while many are fleeing the state to Florida, Arizona, and Texas.

CBS News Colorado reports migration patterns over the last 12 years confirms the trend, with Weld and Douglas Counties benefiting from the growth in 2021.

Many are even moving (back) to California.

The U.S. Census Bureau confirms tens of thousands of people fled Colorado in the last 12 years, which one realtor interviewed blamed on affordability and the pandemic.

But another realtor in the southern Denver metro area said many of her clients are moving for “freedom” and to get away from the political changes on the state and local level.

Krista Barker summed it all up with her explanation for relocating to Florida after 45 years:

“Crime, homeless, political atmosphere. It was it was time to pack up, go closer to family,” she said when asked why she decided to leave. “I would walk every morning with my dog and every evening with my dog. Unfortunately, it got to a point in the area that I walked where homeless were setting up tents. You would run across a syringes and bullet casings. You would hear gunshots in the middle of the night. … It was not safe anymore.”

We’re not surprised the statistics cited by Colorado CBS News are backing up the anecdotal evidence that progressive politics are ruining our beloved state.

We were surprised to see the story reported by the establishment media.

Here’s hoping it’s a sign of more honest reporting about the problems created by laws that coddle criminals, soften drug penalties, and enable homelessness.