Democrats complained for decades that corporate America was in bed with the Republican Party exchanging campaign donations for political support or government subsidies paid for by taxpayers.

The political left blasted automakers and the energy industry for fat subsidies, they blasted the food industry for making Americans fat.

Almost every policy touted by Democrats was “for the children,” to protect them and keep them from harm.

Corporate American was the enemy, and Democrats represented the working man.

But what a difference the progressives have made!

With corporate America now backing their every move, hundreds of billions have been blown on alternative energy solutions that will never fly a plane or replace the energy security we’ve come to rely on for more than a century.

Dieting and exercise are now considered racist, and children have become fashion accessories to signal one’s virtue at drag shows.

You can be fired for talking about sex to adults in the workplace yet hired to talk to first graders about their sexual preferences.

And welfare’s no longer for the poor, but wealthy folks who can afford to buy electric vehicles thanks to Congressional Democrats and Gov. Polis.

From Colorado Public Radio:

The governor announced the plan as an amendment to his 2023-2024 budget proposal Tuesday. Ahead of the upcoming legislative session, he now wants legislators to approve $120 million in new tax credits to nudge the public to buy products that combat climate change and air pollution.

“This is for Colorado to get a head start to help more people afford electric vehicles earlier and reduce the cost in Colorado,” Polis said at a press event at the governor’s mansion.

We’re in an inflationary economy headed towards a recession, and Polis wants to subsidize corporate America and give wealthy people tax breaks in the name of climate change — which by the way, is now being blamed for making avalanches more dangerous.

That’s according to columnist and failed Senate candidate Trish Zornio, who writes in the Colorado Sun that “climate change will impact avalanches as the magnitude and frequency of extreme events will continue to increase as climate change worsens.”

But we digress.

The Democrat-controlled Congress already teed up a $7,500 EV tax break in the ironically named Inflation Reduction Act to subsidize BMW, Ford, Nissan, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, and (GASP) Tesla.

Polis’s plan would hike the state tax credit from $2,000 to $5,000.

Leave it to the tax-and-spend party of progressive Democrats to convince their base the planet is dying, and the only way to survive is to buy expensive products from taxpayer subsidized Corporate America.