Someone has finally informed Democrat U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper that Coloradans are paying a fortune for utility bills this winter.

His solution is not to increase the available product, which triggers the market to reduce prices, but to call on Big Government to investigate the principles of supply and demand.

What would be helpful is if Hickenlooper called on the Democrat Party to stop lining the pockets of the so-called renewable energy industry with taxpayer subsidies in exchange for hefty campaign contributions.

This is basic Econ 101, supply and demand at work. Democrats are cutting the supply through government regulations here at home, while high demand for the product continues to drive up prices.

While he’s at it, Hickenlooper may as well demand farmers start giving away eggs for free, ranchers give away beef for free, everyone in America who owns a house should just give that away as well.

How simple-minded of Hickenlooper to solve every problem that falls on the Senate steps by insisting on socialism.

But while he’s calling on government agencies to launch investigations, Hickenlooper best pay attention to this: