Gov. Polis is reportedly so intimidated by the nuttiness of his party’s progressive fringe and some of the quack bills churned out by the Democrat-controlled state legislature that he’s resorted to back-stabbing to protect his political future.

The Denver Gazette editorial board reveals Polis is too afraid to publicly stand up as the party’s standard-bearer against the collectivist Democratic platform least it hurt his political future, and in an editorial this week counsels the governor to grow a pair.

He’s pulling strings, having private conversations, probably calling in favors, deploying his lobbyists to whisper in ears, and so forth. The end game is to derail the worst of the bad bills and water down some others — discreetly and without his fingerprints.

The editorial board goes on to say:

As adult in chief at the Capitol, he knows he can’t continually cave in to his party’s clueless kids. It would wreck the economy and wreak even more havoc on our streets, among other things. And he’d get blamed. Yet, reining in the radicals is a tricky matter, even for a governor.

Pick a bad bill like the “fair work week” measure, put on your big boy pants, and issue a veto threat, the editorial board advises.

We agree this is a particularly egregious bill that micromanages to absurd extremes how restaurants would be permitted to schedule their workforce. The bill reads like it was written by disgruntled employees who don’t want to work except when it suits them, or not work at all yet still get paid.

Enough with the backdoor games trying to water down a bad idea with sugar water to make it go down easier in a paper straw.

Do your job, governor. Pull the life-support on this and other bad ideas frothing from the Capital.

Sure, the loopy “Democratic Socialists” and their ilk will be furious. But who cares? The rest of Polis’ fellow Democrats in the Legislature — too timid to shout down the radicals — will thank him. So will everyday Coloradans, spared another blow from the legislative agenda.