While Democrat legislators are fighting this session to legalize drug injection sites across Colorado, progressives at the heart of the party in Boulder are fighting against a temporary shelter for residents recovering from drug addiction.

Boulderites are particularly upset because officials won’t disclose which neighborhood the city plans to operate the recovery housing.

Disclosure would violate their medical privacy, Boulder officials insist.

The Denver Post reports the City of Boulder has appropriated $1 million to buy an undisclosed home for up to 10 people at a time to receive substance abuse treatment in cooperation with Boulder County and the Project Recovery initiative.

“Personally, I would like to know if the city is planning to put a group home in my neighborhood,” said Steve Pomerance, a former Boulder councilman who is calling for more disclosure from the city. “In the name of transparency and good public process, they need to resolve the issue around this, including the issue of notification.”

It’s hilarious that nosy lefties are hiding behind the excuse of disclosure to oppose a neighborhood drug treatment home.

They just want to know the location so they can organize neighborhood opposition and make sure it’s not in theirs or any of their friends’ backyard.

Bunch of hypocrites.

Progressives celebrate the idea of drug injection centers to enable addicts to continue using deadly drugs without any idea of where those centers will be located.

But try and open a rehab home that protects the identity of the addicts while healing their addiction, and progressives cry foul.

Lawmakers opposed to legalizing deadly illegal drugs just because the needles are being injected inside a state-sanctioned opiate den should call their bluff and amend the bill to mandate an injection site in the same neighborhood as Jared Polis’s Boulder home.