The Mesa County School Board president is facing a recall threat for voting against building a mental health and behavioral disorder clinic inside a new high school, and also voting to close East Middle School.

Without a hint of irony, the recall committee of three people claims these decisions by Andrea Haitz has caused anxiety among students and parents and is fomenting disorder.

Oh dear. Someone pour the wine and fetch some Xanax.

Their overly dramatic petition goes on to claim Haitz has violated her oath of office and failed to enforce policies in an equitable manner.

It was only a matter of time before Haitz and the other two conservative board members who voted with her were targeted by teacher union supporters.

But this recall effort will be a tall order, requiring the collection of 15,000 valid signatures in only 60 days.

That’s going to be an extremely expensive campaign. But the teacher unions have tons of dough so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

Haitz has yet to respond to the recall petition. Once she does, her comments will be added to the ballot question for a vote later this year … assuming this recall effort even makes it that far.