Progressives in the state legislature are seeing their work go up in the flames at the state Capitol this week as their really rotten, no good, terrible ideas blessedly crash and burn.

 The latest failure is their proposed legalization of fentanyl, heroin, and meth use in state sponsored drug dens that the left rebranded as drug injection sites.

Enough Democrats were convinced to cross party lines and vote with Republicans to kill House Bill 1202 in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

The bill’s defeat as the session comes to a close is the latest failure for progressives and Gov. Polis, who saw his bill to seize control of local land use and zoning gutted this week, and a rent control effort go down the drain.

Last week, progressives led by state Rep. Elisabeth Epps failed to deliver an unconstitutional ban on so-called assault weapons.

To which Epps responded that the media was racist because they didn’t use her mug shot photo in announcing her failure.

Desperate times call for desperate race baiting.