It’s an exciting time here in the Motherland where the master party of pure in thought continues to chart new paths in jailing our political opponents.

No longer must we be content with just red flag laws to unarm our political opponents or sending them to prison for attending the wrong sort of political rallies with undesirable thinkers.

Thanks to the Biden Justice Department, now we can send former presidents of the United States to jail to prevent them from running for reelection!

Before we know it, we will be rid of all contentious elections once and for all and can just mail in our government-approved and completed ballots.

The Fuhrer would be so proud, may he rest in pieces.

And stop asking about Biden taking bribes from foreign countries or the classified documents found in his garage. Biden’s Justice Department rules don’t apply to Biden. That’s the beauty of this whole plot.

Sitting presidents cannot be indicted, according to the Associated Press.

So while the Democrats are sticking to their talking points that …

It turns out that Joe Biden is in fact above that law, as long as he is president.

And while Democrat-backed prosecutors keep piling indictments on Trump, which only increases his popularity and motivates his far right base, it looks like Democrats want Trump to be the nominee — granted a deeply wounded nominee, so Biden can defeat him in the general.

You know, just like the Democrat game they played in Colorado’s Republican primaries last year, propping up the far right candidates to give radical Democrats a better shot in the general elections.

If only another Republican can catch Trump before the GOP primaries begin in February.