Not even rock bands are safe in Colorado anymore.

Veruca Salt performed at Denver’s Globe Hall Saturday night with borrowed instruments after all the band’s gear was stolen along with their U-Haul trailer from the Radisson Hotel parking lot.

“Your guitars are like your babies, and when someone steals one of your guitars, it’s incredibly violating,” said Louise Post.

Welcome to Colorado!

It’s no longer a secret we welcome and coddle all manner of criminals here, especially thieves.

Just ask 75-year-old Mary Ann Moreno who was fired from Circle K on 9489 Sheridan Blvd after working there for 18 years because she dared interfere with a shoplifter stealing cigarettes.

She’s making national and international headlines now for suing the company for wrongful termination.

Fox News hosts were discussing Moreno’s story over the weekend and were aghast that blind eyes were being turned against thievery not just in New York and California, but Colorado.

The world is now discovering that Colorado is infected with California’s many bad habits, including outrageous tax hikes, rampant homelessness, crime, and the progressive lawmakers who are helping it all happen.

Good luck Mary Ann. We hope your case to set an example that society can no longer turn a blind eye to crime.