Colorado’s governor and legislature made their point; they have no intention of protecting their constituents from the financial consequences of Bidenomics, namely the Bidenflation that wildly spiked our property tax bills.

Therefore, voters are taking matters into their own hands by getting a measure on the ballot in November to cap future property tax increase.

The measure can’t stop the coming spike, but it will make sure we never see 40% tax hikes again by capping increases to 4%, said Michael Fields of Advance Colorado Action, which is leading the charge to collect ballot signatures.

Amen, sister.

From Colorado Politics:

Because it’s a proposed amendment to the state constitution, the measure would need 55% of the vote to pass. Its sponsors also must gather a certain number of signatures from every state Senate district in order to make the ballot — potentially an expensive hurdle.

They have less than six months to collect 124,000 signatures.

The Democrat-controlled legislature and Gov. Polis refuse to call a special session and deal with the problem they helped create.

Instead, they’re hitting taxpayers with both barrels through Prop HH to limit some property tax hikes while taking away our payroll tax cuts through the elimination of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

PeakNation™ should pay attention to those signature collectors at the grocery stores dutifully begging for your attention to the matter of your property taxes increases. The government is robbing you blind.