Memo to the downtrodden, the mentally ill, and angry people everywhere: it’s against the law to threaten to kill people, and if you keep doing it, someone’s likely to send you to jail for it.

Just ask Gov. Polis, who was the target of Jeromie Rose’s rage after Rose was denied emergency food services by a state worker who allegedly told him it was Polis’s fault he didn’t qualify.

Rose told Fox31 it was a cry for help, not a serious threat when he left a couple of voicemails on a front desk line at the governor’s office saying:

“I’m sick of you, you know, being mean to homeless people, um, I’m just done with it. So, you know, I’m gonna go down there and I’m gonna (expletive) fire a whole bunch of rounds right in your (expletive) head, right in your (expletive) house. And, and then you’ll see. Then you’ll understand, maybe.”

Five days later, boom! There’s a swat team outside his Aurora front door to arrest him.

“There was probably like 10 people there pointing guns at me,” Rose, who insisted he never thought his threats would be taken seriously, said. “It was just out of frustration. It was totally wrong. I mean, I apologize. It was not a genuine threat. I was upset because I couldn’t eat. You know, I had to wait a month to a month and a half to maybe, maybe get food stamps.”

Well, Polis is taking it seriously, cause the guy was charged with a felony and heads to court on Aug. 23.

This wasn’t the first time Rose lashed out at people in authority and threatened to kill them. Rose was convicted several years back of making recorded death threats to Northglenn police and was accused of making death threats to the district attorney who prosecuted him.

In the exclusive interview with KDVR, Rose admitted he had mental health issues and says he doesn’t remember making the threats.

Polis’s office refused to comment for their story, but the reporter isn’t letting it drop just yet.

The Problem Solvers filed a records request with CSP (which provides security for the governor) asking for any stats it maintains on the number of death threats Polis has received and if any other threats against him have led to criminal charges.

We’d like to know that as well.

We’d also like to know how the governor sleeps at night knowing that a mentally unstable human who had a melt down because he was denied emergency food services faces felony charges and could go to jail.

We agree that making threats like that is wrong. But it’s not like the guy crashed his 18-wheeler on I-70 and killed four people.

Cut him some slack, governor, and get him some help.