CNN host Fareed Zakaria claims President Biden has solved the border crisis, citing a dip in numbers that occurred in one hot summer month of June when temperatures blazed over 100 degrees along the southern border.

June was the 16th-warmest on record in Texas, where a mid-month heatwave brought an unusually high number of 100-degree days.

It’s not new that immigration numbers dip when the weather turns hot.

But wait, there’s more absurdity … other than the fact we were watching CNN.

Zakaria told the network’s dwindling audience with a straight face on Sunday this miracle occurred in spite of the fact Republicans have done nothing to secure the border.

“The MAGA right, of course, demonizes migrants and asylum seekers and prefers no solution because a crisis helps it politically,” Zakaria said.

His statement was unnecessarily insulting and absurd, as Republicans have pursued solutions for years that include building a wall to stop illegal immigration, while reforming the nation’s outdated immigration laws.

We’ll be adding additional reforms to that list to close all the asylum loopholes currently abused by migrants who are here to work illegally or game the welfare system.

Zakaria acknowledged the political left hasn’t been much help as well, routinely attacking any sensible measure to stem the flow (see border wall) as cruel and inhumane.

Having credited Biden with the cure and Republicans blamed for the cause, Zakaria moves to the crux of his complaint, which is that the migration crisis, his words, have overwhelmed Texas, New York, Chicago, L.A., and Denver.

That’s right. The local media here doesn’t discuss it as much anymore, but Denver is still reeling from the influx of the Biden migration.

The CNN host argued on his show, as well as his Sunday opinion column in the Washington Post, that Biden has successfully worked with Republicans on other issues, and suggests Biden should work out a compromise to fix the border crisis that is no longer a border crisis, but a migrant crisis.


It’s interesting that in one breath, Zakaria spews such vile words at the political right and accuses them of lacking any humanity or wanting of a solution to help their fellow man because of petty politics.

And yet, his solution is to propose yet another so-called “bipartisan” immigration bill — just before the presidential election — to find a solution to the problem that Biden caused.

Forgive us if we see petty politics at play.

It’s not that Republicans don’t want to find a solution, nor do they demonize true asylum seekers. It’s the cartel drug dealers and human traffickers we can’t stand.

But if anything’s to be done, it must start with stemming the flow at the border with walls, and reforming the asylum system as well as the immigration bureaucracy.