If the GOP presidential primary were held tomorrow in Colorado, who would Republicans vote for?

Of course, it’s a trick question.

No one cares who the Republican voters still left in this state are supporting. Not even the state’s GOP leaders, who are too consumed with the MAGA purity of each voter’s populist leanings.

But the voters care — the conservatives and libertarians, the contrarians and independents-for-life who always end up voting Republican because they can’t stand the Democrats.

The national polls have the right answer, but they’re not asking the right question.

Voters overwhelmingly support Trump in his fight against the corrupted judiciary that is clearly out to get him. And they will tell the pollsters so in every call from now until the elections.

But do Republican voters truly think Trump can wage this monstrous battle against 91 counts in federal, state, and local grand jury indictments while successfully running a country crippled by Bidenomics at the same time?

Trump is being bombarded with trial proceedings that will demand his complete attention for (checks watch), the rest of the 77-year-old’s life.

The Democrats have lined him up for 100 chances of locking him up in prison.

And Trump knows it’s serious. That’s why he’s already spent $40 million of his presidential PAC money on legal fees and is raising even more money to feed that beast. He’s not wasting it on his campaign.

Trump’s entire campaign is now based on presenting his defense against the indictments, and that is how he would have to spend his time if elected to another term in the White House — defending himself.

All but the most loyal, and stubborn Trump voters will see this more and more in the coming months.

And Republicans will ask themselves the hard question: Will we vote Trump just to protest the injustice of the overtly politicized and compromised Justice system under Biden?

Or will we vote for the best person to lead America out of this recession, secure the border, and make America once more the country of liberty and justice for all?

The 2024 election has become the most corrupted contest in our nation’s history, with never-before-seen interference from America’s once revered judicial system.

But that doesn’t mean we should vote Trump for president.

Let Trump fight Trump’s battles.

America must fight her own to get us out of this mess.

Choose wisely.