It’s been nearly a year since a busload of migrants showed up at the exclusive playground of the rich and famous in Martha’s Vineyard causing a scandal among the progressive elite.

As if, they cringed, never imagining the unwashed masses from President Biden’s open border would ever cross their paths.

An uproar ensued, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was swiftly identified and persecuted by the media as the culprit who dared bus just one hundred of the thousands of immigrants burdening his state’s resources to the progressive playground to get the Democrat administration’s attention to the border crisis.

PeakNation will recall that U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper was overcome with the vapors and warned Colorado’s ski resorts to beware of Florida buses bearing migrants to our mountains.

As 9News reported:

Senator John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.) reached out to leaders of Colorado’s mountain resort towns this week to offer assistance if governors of Florida or Texas send a group of migrants to the Colorado mountains, his office confirmed Wednesday.


Leaders in Summit, Eagle and Pitkin counties said they have all started discussions of how to prepare if a group of migrants was to arrive unexpectedly in the resort towns of Breckenridge, Vail or Aspen.

The horror of it all. Migrants, in Aspen?!

And yet now we learn the City of Denver and Gov. Polis have bused and flown more than 8,000 migrants who were dropped off on our doorstop since January to other unsuspecting cities.

That’s 1,000 immigrants a month Denver and Colorado taxpayers spent to rope off the Sanctuary City Welcome Wagon.

And yet barely a complaint from the establishment media, except that one time they accidently covered the mayors of New York and Chicago complaining about the burden, and nacred out Colorado as an unwanted supplier in the process.

There’s been no reports of Denver busing any of these 8,000 migrants to area ski resorts. But then again, they were only on the lookout for rogue buses from Florida.

Colorado Politics this week reported the mass of migrants flowing from Biden’s out-of-control southern border has brought 15,000 migrants to Colorado and cost taxpayers $23 million since December. That includes the 8,000 bus and airplane tickets.

As for the other 7,000 migrants bused from Texas to Colorado, no one seems to know or care what happened to them. Including Hickenlooper.