Climate nannies have found another convenience to sacrifice on the altar of political doomsday forecasting of mankind’s’ extinction — long after we’re all dead and unable to confirm the best practices of their worst fears.

The drive-thru window at Starbucks and all restaurants that consumers have just minutes to hit on their way to work, for a quick lunch hour, or home for dinner.

The drive-thru ban would also affect pharmacies, forcing sick people to walk inside and spread germs.

The new rules under are under consideration for Golden and Denver, reports the Denver Post.

Climate Nanny Councilmembers Casey Brown and Rob Reed in Golden think that a drive-thru takes up more pavement than parking spaces and spews more emission than if it’s parked and left running with kids, dogs, groceries, or the sick and disabled left inside.

They also think there would be less interaction between pedestrians, bikers, and vehicles if drivers are cruising around looking for parking spaces, rather than inching forward in a separate drive-thru lane.

Of course, it’s absurd.

We are all responsible for our actions and should park instead instead of using the drive-thru if we are not sick, disabled or elderly, rushing to or from work, have the dogs in the car in summer heat, or a car full of kids and an infant strapped in for life to a car seat.

The best use of a drive-thru was actually cited as the reason for getting rid of them in Golden.

The city found that out the hard way a couple of years back during the pandemic when the drive-thru at a Starbucks on South Golden Road was overwhelmed after government-ordered restaurant closures. Long lines of cars spilled onto the road, gumming up the nearby traffic circle. It took nearly six months to resolve the issue.

Their solution, we are to assume, would have been to put the franchise owner out of business and shut the place down, and depriving Golden of (Gasp) their morning coffee.

Without drive-thru windows, COVID-spewing patients would have been picking up their medicine inside the pharmacy. Is that really the future?

Drive-thru windows are just another solution in which Nanny Government is looking to attach a problem.

Bring back individual responsibility and accountability and most problems will solve themselves without government interference and wasting taxpayer dollars on every act of mankind just to bump the climate street cred of progressive politicians.