Latino voters are expected to be a major force in Colorado’s 2024 elections, prompting abortion advocates who are eager to know what is on their minds to commission a poll of 1,600 Latino voters.

Survey says: The cost of living, wages, and overall economic issues will loom large under the cloud of Bidenomics.

Colorado Public Radio reported on the survey commissioned by Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) and Voces Unidas de las Montañas located in the 3rd Congressional District, which CPR identified as liberal.

As if that wasn’t obvious.

Nearly half of the respondents said the Democrat Party aligned with their beliefs, 28% said neither party, and only 22% admitted to holding Republican values.

“It is clear that the challenges facing Latinos in Colorado when it comes to jobs, housing, and the economy are severe and in need of significant action from officials at all levels — local, state, and the federal,” said Dr. Gabriel Sanchez with BSP Research who led the effort to conduct the poll.

Abortion rights was described as a “top issue,” but not a key priority as in past years. Although few details were released, it appears that respondents were split on the issue with only half saying issues that restrict abortion access would prompt them to vote.

For those living under a rock, abortion is legal in Colorado up until the moment of birth.

CPR didn’t link directly to the survey results, but we’re guessing Colorado’s Democrat Party has already obtained a copy for use in the congressional races on the Western Slope and in the new 8th District, currently held by U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo.

While abortion is not the top concern, the high cost of health care on the Western Slope was a major concern among voters there.

Crime also made the top five overall.