There’s no blueprint in place for the immediate conversion of U.S. energy from earth fuels to experimental renewables, and yet the Biden administration already has its hand on the plug to plunge our homes and economy into darkness.

Officials from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) confessed their sins during a House hearing his week under questioning from Colorado U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn and Harriett Hageman of Wyoming.

As if roller coaster gas prices that spiked the cost of most goods and services under the yoke of Bidenomics hasn’t hurt us enough.

Now Biden’s BLM boys are trying to regulate the oil and gas industry out-of-business across millions of acres of land nationwide, including 1.6 million acres in Colorado.

Public lands are supposed to be multiple-use properties, but officials told the House Resources subcommittee on energy resources that only 5% of the 245 million surface acres the bureau manages are dotted with oil and gas leases, while recreation, and livestock grazing continue to be excluded.

Lamborn questioned why the BLM would withdraw 1.6 million acres in Colorado after millions of dollars had already been spent to ensure wildlife protection and recovery.

The Denver Gazette is one of only a few news outlets that even covered the critical hearing.

“The protection of the sage grouse is the supposed rationale behind this drastic action,” Lamborn said. “But this species has experienced a 24% increase in the Colorado population since 2019, just in the last four years. There’s no dichotomy, you can have both. Colorado is the fourth largest producer of oil in the country and yet still finds a way to responsibly ensure a robust and healthy ecosystem.”

But Biden doesn’t want America’s healthy ecosystem that balances energy needs with the environment. They want that energy to be produced by the world’s biggest polluters, including China.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York radical Democrat whose expertise in western issues extends about as far as the tip on her designer “cowboy” boots, tried to hype some bogus claim that oil and gas production on public lands is responsible for 25% of CO2 emissions in the U.S.

As if.

Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, set AOC straight:

“That’s a complete falsehood,” she said. “That’s based on a misreading of a USGS study of greenhouse gas emissions. And if you actually look at the numbers, production on federal lands and waters accounts for 0.6% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, not nearly a quarter.”


No one disagrees with pursuing clean energy wisely, and in a cost-effective manner that makes it affordable for all Americans.

But Biden and his minions are already pulling the rug out from under the rock-solid energy infrastructure that once made America a superpower, with no infrastructure in place to replace it, and Colorado is going to be one of the first to feel the pain.