California Gov. Gavin Newsom has pulled up to the political right of Colorado by refusing to legalize magic mushrooms and mescaline.

Let that sink in for a moment.

The most politically progressive and ridiculously woke state in the nation thinks Colorado has gone too far in decriminalizing hallucinogenics, and Newsom has vetoed a bill that would follow our crazy voters’ lead.

Newsome balked at legalizing shrooms because there are no regulated treatment guidelines on dosing or therapeutic use in place, no process to check for underlying psychoses, or regulations against patients being exploited during guided treatments.

Once all that’s put into place, Newsom says he might consider decriminalizing the consciousness-altering plants.

The science is still way out on whether microdosing psilocybin mushrooms actually works long-term in relieving stress, depression, or is an effective treatment of PTSD.

Mostly, the folks who already like taking it report they already like taking it.

From the Washington Post:

Scientific evidence for microdosing, though, is scarce and has been mixed on its efficacy. Research on microdosing is still “in its infancy and poorly developed,” said Harriet de Wit, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Chicago. “There are very few controlled studies that have been able to study the phenomenon.”

However, investors and drug companies are pouring millions into more studies and development of the drug to take it mainstream, so it’s only a matter of time before California catches up to Colorado’s madcap experiment into hallucinogenic drugs.