The Denver Post editorial board has fired a warning shot over the bow of state Rep. Tim Hernández’s sinking ship of sarcasm and indifference in the face of a stunned Jew at a rally supporting Palestinians while their government viciously attacked Israel.

“What about it?” Hernández smirked, when asked about the murderous rampage of Hamas terrorists who had already killed hundreds of civilians in the streets and in their homes.

The socialist Democrat was appointed by a special Democrat committee of about 40 folks just a month ago to replace Denver state Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, who traded in the state House for a term on the Denver City Council.

Despite his history of Marxist remarks, the establishment Front Range media stood by the young man who was too radical to be a teacher for Denver Public Schools.

But his true colors came shining through after the horrific attack on Israel by land, sea, and air from Hamas, which governs the two million Palestinians living in Gaza.

The Post gave Hernández a pass in his pretense that attending a “protest for Palestinian resistance” that also advertised their “resistance is justified,” is somehow different than supporting Hamas for (checks notes) resisting with great violence and terrorism.

What The Post isn’t forgiving, is Hernández’s refusal to “condemn Hamas’ terrorism.”

The Post buried their entirely legitimate complaint. Here it is:

Dallying with violence and terrorism and acts of pure evil by mincing his words makes us realize that Hernández considers this an abstract exercise in political gamesmanship – perhaps the type of contrarian debate a freshman philosophy major would engage in during class as an exercise, not the real-world response needed in the face of beheadings and torture.

The spanking continues:

Hernández doesn’t have to be perfect in his fight against injustice, but he cannot be a state legislator and tacitly support the murder, rape and torture of innocent people as part of a philosophical question of how to stop injustice in the Middle East.

Read the rest here.

The Post stopped short of calling for any action against Hernández like censure, or even his resignation.

We’ll see if sending him off with a spanking and a warning will spark any hint of regret on his part, but we doubt it.

The reason Hernández has refused to condemn Hamas as terrorists, is because he does not believe it. To pretend otherwise now would just make him a hypocrite.