Jared Polis is once again being blamed as the reason the state legislature won’t legalize injection centers for the illegal consumption of deadly, hardcore drugs under the regulatory supervision of the Polis administration.
It’s the Polis veto threat, Democrats whined again this week to the media, after an interim legislative committee tasked with solving the opioid crisis passed on pursing what they now call “overdose prevention centers.”
From Colorado Politics:
The Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Study Committee turned down the “safe injection sites” proposal, identified in draft legislation as “overdose prevention centers,” based on concerns about a possible veto from Gov. Jared Polis.
A similar effort in the 2023 session died in a Senate committee last spring also for the same reason — a veto threat from the governor.
The draft legislation considered by the committee Monday would have established a five-year pilot program in municipalities that have authorized those facilities.
But seeing as how Polis fully expects to one day run for president of the United States, his spokesflack was more than happy to respond.
Conor Cahill basically blamed President Biden as the reason Colorado can’t have junkies lined up around neighborhood blocks to get bombed on heroin and fentanyl.
He said there’s just too much uncertainty as to whether the feds would shut down such centers.
And yet, the feds are actually using our tax dollars to study whether those sites in New York and Rhode Island will prevent overdoses.
Our guess is that when medical professionals are testing and injecting drugs, overdosing is minimal, and yes, for those hardcore street junkies shooting up day and night, the centers will work.
Will it keep teens and young adults from overdosing when they experiment with drugs at parties and nightclubs?
We’re just thankful the Democrat-controlled legislature and Gov. Polis lack the spine to pass this idiotic idea to appease their progressively reckless base.