The Democrat election machine is wasting no time to ban Donald Trump from the ballot with a Dec. 6 date in the Colorado Supreme Court already set to appeal a district judge’s decision that the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to this case.
How’s it looking for Trump?
All seven justices on the bench were appointed by Democrats, so it’s not like they’re going to be overly sympathetic to Trump’s views.
It’s not just the far lefties from the oxymoronically named Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington who are appealing the decision by a Colorado district judge.
Trump’s lawyers want to be heard as well and have also filed their own appeal on the district judge’s decision that he engaged in insurrection.
Trump’s lawyer Scott Gessler told ABC News they were satisfied with the judge’s ruling the 14th Amendment didn’t apply.
But they disagree with her findings based largely on partisan congressional hearings that Trump’s rally on Jan. 6 incited violence against the government — also known as insurrection.
He called the determination on incitement “flat-out wrong.”
“It was a little bit unusual for her to spend lot of time talking about that and then at the end rule that the 14th Amendment didn’t apply,” he said.
The clock is ticking as Colorado’s primary ballot must be finalized by Jan. 5.