The Rich Should Pay Their Fair Share

There has been a constant drone from the Progressives, including the President, that the rich should pay their fair share. I don't even have to say, “fair share of the nation's taxes”, because that's assumed. I assert that that's a whale of...

We Really Want to Reduce the Debt?

I gave a little cheer when I heard about the GAO report on Fox News. Their teaser about what we could do if we could only save a billion dollars was cute: “We could buy a gazillion school kids a new iPad!”. It turns out that the potential savings are more...

If the Shoe Fits

The truth exists, whether you like it or not. Like it or not, our Founding Fathers were mostly Christians, and they all believed in Judeo-Christian principles, because that's what they wrote into our Constitution. Like it or not, they wrote that Constitution to...

The Truth, as I see it, August 10, 2011

My God, I just noticed the date! I totally missed a couple of important anniversaries. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. We should never forget. As many lives as that eventful month of 1945 saved, on both sides, we should never forget that terrible power that was unleashed on...

The Problem with Education in America

August 9th, 2011 As a newly “born again” Christian, my eyes have been opened to many things. American parents, as a collective group, myself included, should be horse-whipped for settling for substandard education for so long.Education of...