Study: Biden fracking ban will devastate Western Colorado

Study: Biden fracking ban will devastate Western Colorado

A new study from the Wyoming Energy Authority suggests Joe Biden’s planned fracking restrictions would devastate the economies of eight western states including Colorado. Both Biden and John Hickenlooper support ending energy leases on federal land, a ploy that...
Polis’s vaccine PR stunt gets mocked on the Tonight Show

Polis’s vaccine PR stunt gets mocked on the Tonight Show

Gov. Polis’s vaccine delivery PR stunt caught the attention of Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon Monday night.  Wait for it, because he went there. Jared Polis’s awkward vaccine delivery photo-op gets mocked by Jimmy Fallon #copolitics
Polis ignores CDC guidelines during vaccine publicity stunt

Polis ignores CDC guidelines during vaccine publicity stunt

Gov. Polis was like a kid in the COVID shop Monday as he snuggled up within hugging distance of medical officials, vaccine participants, the driver who delivered the vaccine, and media covering the staged event of the elixir’s official arrival in Colorado.  The...