Recent Headlines

AWKWARD: Where There’s Smoke, There’s a Forest Fire

There’s a word for when the Denver district attorney’s husband is cited for violating open burn laws and is suspected of setting another burn that accidentally caused a wildfire. Awkward. The husband would be Christopher Linsmayer, who is married to Beth McCann, and...

TRUMP SIGNS WESTERN BILLS: Environmentalists Weep

U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn was at the White House Thursday to witness President Trump scoring a big win for the home team. Trump signed a bill into law that rolls back one of Obama’s last-minute, midnight-hour regulations of the coal industry.   It was a pleasure to...

TOWN HALL MEET: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman is conducting a listening tour so that activists health care providers and constituents can air their views on the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Beginning Monday, Coffman will meet with health care providers as well as patient advocacy...

PEAKFEED: Kyle Clark Gets Identity Politics Right

PEAKFEED: Kyle Clark Gets Identity Politics Right

In case you missed 9News' coverage of Rep. Joe Salazar's disgraceful remarks calling his fellow State House Representative Dave Williams "half-Latino", here is one of the best takedowns of the left's identity politics that we've seen in some time. Clark set the scene...

ROLLBACK: GOP’s Takedown of Obama Regs

A group of Western Republicans have numerous Obama-era energy rules in their crosshairs and are using the Congressional Review Act to roll those bad dogs back. U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton introduced one measure this week to kill a midnight rule that mucked up the process...

FAKE SCIENCE: CDPHE Pans Junk Oil and Gas Study

Earlier today, University of Colorado researcher Lisa McKenzie, best known for her debunked study allegedly linking birth defects with oil and gas development, released another study that was promptly smacked down by Colorado's top medical expert, Dr. Larry Wolk who...

WHERE WAS BENNET? Senate Approves Trump’s VA Secretary

In case you missed it, the media stopped mocking President Trump for a split second this week to note that not everything the man does is wrong. The Senate acted in a bipartisan manner and voted unanimously to confirm Trump’s nominee, Dr. David Shulkin, as VA...

2022 General Election






