Recent Headlines

DELUSIONS: Baca’s Electoral Defectors Club Grows to Four

As we reported a two weeks ago, Colorado electoral college member, Micheal Baca started a nascent movement of electoral college members to go rogue and "write in" a candidate other than the person who won their respective state.  The goal was to get 37 members to...

SUPREMES: Gold King Mine Spill in Trump’s Court

The Supreme Court is now actively considering whether to hear the lawsuit filed by New Mexico against Colorado because the EPA is to blame for the Gold King Mine spill. We were roped into the legal morass after the EPA took responsibility for the spill as promised, by...

SUPERFUND COSTS SO FAR: Deal of a Lifetime, It Ain’t

That temporary wastewater treatment plant the EPA threatened to shut down unless Colorado cried “uncle!” and allowed them to turn Silverton into a Superfund site, well, the EPA now says it’s needed even longer than originally thought. This comes as no surprise,...

BENNET’S CRYBABIES: Who are the Real Political Bullies?

U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet is using hateful rhetoric to demand that everyone stop mean to each other. And by everyone, he means Trump, and by mean, he’s referring to those the president-elect is hiring to work in the White House and cabinet. Bennet didn’t mention it...

REALITY: Spoiled Government Workers Get a Taste of Our Medicine

For eight years we’ve watched as liberals have gleefully urged the Obama administration to demolish jobs in the coal, gas, and oil industries because it offends their delicate nature. They didn’t care that their actions would push families into poverty, their answer...

2022 General Election






