Recent Headlines

NATIONAL GOP CONVENTION: Party Platform Focuses on Western Issues

Republicans will begin hammering out the details of the new party platform today with issues directly affecting our state at the forefront. States rights, Sage grouse, energy production on public lands and who controls those public lands are all expected to be...

BENNET’S RECORD: Whatever Happens to All Those Bills He Sponsors

While reading yet another press release from U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet’s office bragging about a bill he was mooching cosponsoring with other lawmakers, it occurred to us that we never actually hear about any of Bennet’s own original legislation actually passing...

SPARE US: More Non-Stories About the Republican National Convention

Much ink is being spilled by the left wing media about the Republican Convention.  "Concern" about the speaker list, Black Lives Matters protesters, who is coming, and now - who is not coming. Today, the Denver Post is running a story expressing concern that three...

SHAME! Federal Animal Protectors Poach Colorado Game

Two federal employees charged with protecting wildlife pled guilty to poaching wildlife on private property. The two Western Slope men don’t work for just any federal agency, but the Fish and Wildlife Service that looks after endangered species, runs preserves to...

2022 General Election






