Recent Headlines

THAT WAS FAST: Bachelor Ben Higgins Enters and Quickly Exits Race

In one of the shortest campaigns in recent history, ABC's The Bachelor, Ben Higgins, filed to run against former Assistant Majorly Drunk Leader Dan Pabon in Denver on Wednesday and, today, he announced he would no longer be running. What? What happened? This sounded...

MINIMUM WAGE: Just Say No to Killing Jobs

Proponents of a ballot measure to tell our bosses how much employees should be paid, regardless of skill or experience, say they have enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot in November. These are the same folks who organize social media boycotts against...

STRANGE TIMES: Coloradans on Tap for the Democratic Convention

In fulfilling his duties as Mr. Congeniality, Gov. Hickenlooper will speak at the Democrat’s dog and pony show, also known as their national party convention next week. We don’t expect he will pull a Ted Cruz and refuse to endorse Hillary. Afterall, Hick and Colorado...

TRUE COLORS: Pabon Seeks Special Treatment During DUI Arrest

Recently released footage of the arrest of Colorado House Speaker Pro Temp Dan Pabon (D-Denver) for drunk driving shows the high-ranking Democrat’s true colors as he tries to talk his way out of a DUI. The video is cringe worthy. Pabon pleads with the officer to “put...

ILLEGAL LEMUR: Carousel Rides for Endangered Species in Boulderland

The Daily Camera reports that an undocumented “illegal pet lemur” reportedly bit a child near the Carousel of Happiness in downtown Nederland this week The animal has been photographed with its people by the newspaper before, and has also taken a ride on the carousel...

2022 General Election






