Aug 10, 2016
The fools at Food and Water Watch are a little sensitive after they were busted for killing trees with impunity to stage a photo op for their anti-fracking ballot initiative. The tree-huggers filled a room with boxes that allegedly total more than 100,000 signatures,...
Aug 9, 2016
Boulder residents tried to pull a fast one with a local ballot initiative that seeks to raise taxes on drinks containing sugar, prompting a protest that was filed with the city Monday. It seems the crusaders against Mother Earth’s natural ingredient neglected to add...
Aug 3, 2016
Looks like U.S. Rep. Jared Polis is back in the anti-fracking game, kicking in a significant contribution to “Yes for Local Control Over Oil and Gas” get an anti-fracking on the ballot. Nearly 100,000 signatures are needed by Monday to get the measure on the ballot,...
Aug 1, 2016
Trump made headlines this weekend when he seemingly endorsed an anti-fracking ballot initiative sponsored by the most unlikely supporters of a Republican presidential candidate, ever — fractivists. But is that what Trump really said? It seems his interview with...
Jul 29, 2016
Gov. Hickenlooper is getting used to disappointment. He admits to eagerly awaiting Hillary’s veep decision and would have jumped at the chance to join her on the ticket if given the chance. “There was a sense of disappointment because I’m a competitive person. And...