WOO HOO! Colorado Scores the Court Win to Block Fracking Rules!

A federal judge in Wyoming ruled in favor of Colorado and other Western states and organizations and has suspended the new fracking rules until lawsuits against the federal government are resolved. The rules were set to take effect Wednesday. Can we get an Amen from...

BLOOD IN THE WATER: Big Green Smells Money and Victory in Colorado

Cliff Willmeng isn’t letting the loss of Jared Polis’s millions deter him from his grand scheme to ban fracking through so-called “local control” — government by commune. The wacky fractivist has turned to crowdfunding to bank his delusion dream, The Statesman...

SMOKING CRACK: D.C. Enviros Accuse Westerners of Land Grab

There is nothing more annoying than Washington environmentalists throwing a tie-dyed hissy fit and wailing that westerners are determined to destroy the very public lands that we have been entrusted to protect for centuries. Having said that, prepare to share in our...