NOT JUST OBAMA: Udall Plays Hide and Seek from Coloradans, Too

NOT JUST OBAMA: Udall Plays Hide and Seek from Coloradans, Too

Last week, liberal Sen. Mark Udall spoke at The Denver Forum, described as “the finest public forum in the Rocky Mountains”.  Unfortunately, AmericaRisingPAC found that this fine forum is not as public as it claims to be.  The group’s tracker was not...
OPERATIVE ERROR: Colorado Leftie Opens Udall Up To Masshole Attacks

OPERATIVE ERROR: Colorado Leftie Opens Udall Up To Masshole Attacks

As campaign season revs up to full bore, it’s easy for political operatives from either side to be blinded by the feeling to always need to attack to lose sight of the entire battlefield.  Colorado Leftie Laura Chapin made this classic mistake last night, as she...