1,750%: Cost Increase Needed To Justify Udall-Endorsed EPA Regulations

PeakNation™, it’s Monday, we’re feeling frisky (had some Taco Bell for lunch), so let’s get a little wonky.  You may have heard the Environmental Protection Agency is rolling through tomorrow (if Sen. Mark Udall is such a fan of it, can we expect him to be here in...

BAGGAGE: A Vote For Udall Is A Vote For Harry Reid, WaPo Writes

The Washington Post has an interesting article today, which shouldn’t bring too much joy to Sen. Mark Udall’s campaign (then again, not much is nowadays).  In the article The WaPo basically states if either Colorado or Iowa goes Republican, Sen. Harry Reid’s reign as...

LIBERAL PANIC: Dem Poll Finds Gov and Sen Races Statistically Tied

Time to hit the panic button Colorado Lefties, your beloved liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling just released a new poll that has both the Colorado Gubernatorial and Senatorial races as statistically tied.  At an identical 44%-43% Gov. John Hickenlooper and Sen....

Peak Feed: Cory Gardner Offers Glimpse at Family History…and Future

Polling has shown that Colorado voters are just learning about U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner, who is running against the most liberal vulnerable Senator up for re-election, Sen. Mark Udall, for a seat in the Senate. This new ad from his campaign team gives Coloradans...

SHOT UP: Udall Losing In NYT Predictive Model For First Time

Less than a week ago Sen. Mark Udall and all Colorado Lefties were excitedly touting a Marist poll that had him up by seven.  Yeah, and for the first few minutes seconds of last year’s Super Bowl, all us Coloradans still liked the Broncos chances against the...