Stuff we missed over the holiday: Colorado State Rep. David Ortiz, D-Chauvinist, made a lame attempt at an apology to a female reporter for a sexist remark after the women in House leadership made him do it.

Ortiz finally took down the tweet he later admitted was in reference to a specific Colorado Politics story that was written by a woman.

Then issued this lame excuse:

To recap, Ortiz did not say “he said she said,” nor did he cite the movie “Mean Girls.”

What he said was, “Don’t try to gossip and mean girl your way to clicks and ratings.”

It took a few days, but House Speaker Julie McCluskie and House Majority Leader Monica Duran finally issued a statement that bizarrely clarified, in case there was any doubt, that Ortiz’s statement did not reflect the opinion of the Democrat caucus, now made up of 34 women and 12 men.

The majority women caucus “has fought tirelessly for women, children and families,” they said. “We have passed countless laws to put our values into practice by protecting women in the workplace, closing the pay gap, boosting economic assistance for families, increasing health care access for pregnant women, and addressing maternal health disparities. With these values as our guide, the first women-majority in the legislature and the first all-women leadership team will continue our efforts to boost opportunities for women and families.”

You bet your @ss Ortiz took down that tweet.

What remains to be seen is if the boss ladies in the legislature will buy his bulls&%t apology.

Read our original story here.