The ex-social worker charged with framing her perceived political enemy in Aurora with false charges of child abuse was busted over the weekend for trying to fake her way out of justice with bogus brain cancer claims.

Robin Niceta, the former love interest of former Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson, was arrested in New Mexico and faces extradition back to Colorado, reports CBS News Colorado.

Better call Saul honey, cause you’re not going to be seeing the sun shine or drinking whiskey again anytime soon.

PeakNation™ will recall Niceta is the Arapahoe County social worker who made the anonymous call falsely reporting Aurora Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky for abusing her baby.

The false accusations came on the heels of a statement by Jurinsky calling for the Aurora police chief, Niceta’s love interest, to be fired during a talk radio interview.

Most recently, Niceta was indicted by a grand on the new charges of faking a cancer diagnoses and medical records to avoid criminal proceedings.

Friday’s grand jury indictment describes how Robin Niceta’s story of languishing with brain cancer unraveled under scrutiny as investigators tracked the online presence of New Mexico Oncology Associates, an apparently fictitious medical practice, back to Niceta and her mother.

Niceta faces a total of 10 new charges, including multiple counts of forgery, attempting to influence a public servant, conspiracy, tampering with physical evidence and criminal impersonation. Her mother, Janice Dudley, also faces charges of forgery, evidence tampering and conspiracy.

Niceta already lost a civil suit in the false allegations against the Aurora councilwomen. She goes to trial on criminal charges Aug. 1.