Aurora mayoral challenger Juan Marcano quit the Democrat Socialists of America following a week of antisemitic rhetoric from chapters across the U.S. blaming Israel for the terrorist invasion that killed 1,400.

The Denver socialist chapter followed suit and released this statement Saturday blaming Israel for the attack, in which radical Hamas burned children, beheaded babies, raped women, and took 200 hostages including Holocaust survivors back to Gaza and fired rockets back on the Israelis for a week.

Stop hitting yourselves, was the message from Denver Democrat Socialists of America, which was attached inside a post on social media X.

Marcano, who is challenging Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman, now claims he only meant to join in with the radical group because that’s what all the Bernie Bros did when socialist Bernie Sanders ran for president in 2016.

Marcano says he still supports socialism and forcing hard working taxpayers to pay his housing, healthcare, his kid’s care and all that other socialist stuff.

He’s just not down with the socialist talking points to kick the Jews out of Israel, or committing mass murder of Jews on a scale not seen since the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis) did it in WWII.

But that came after Marcano equivocated midweek parroting those some of those same socialist talking point that justified the terrorist attack on Israel claiming it is an “apartheid” state.

Not to put too fine point on it, but congressional Democrats voted overwhelmingly on a resolution earlier this year asserting that Israel “is not a racist or apartheid state.” U.S. Rep. Jason Crow voted in support of that resolution, and yet he endorsed Marcano three days after he first accused Israel of the racial segregation Crow says does not exit.

Go figure.

Here is Marcano’s statement denouncing the Denver socialists, and his statement earlier this week claiming Israel is an apartheid state.

Marcano and Aurora City Councilperson Alison Coombs, who is also up for reelection, are the only two of numerous elected officials in Colorado to resign from this socialist party.

And yet Coombs did an immediate about face and joined the Working Families Party, which Sanders labeled as the “closest thing to socialism.”

Then, Coombs demanded Israel stop protecting itself from Hamas, which by the way is still launching missile strikes that on Monday forced the evacuation of the Israeli parliament Knesset.

As if on cue, Kyle Clark reappeared after weeks of vacation and praised his lefty friends for denouncing the Democrat Socialists’ statement. The only problem, just as soon as the socialists denounced their mothership, many tracked right back to their antisemitic ways.

Several Colorado Democrats who denounced DSA’s statement didn’t bother to actually quit the group.

But the establishment media types like Clark are giving them all a pass anyway.