Denver Mayor Johnston’s effort to house more migrants arriving from President Biden’s open border inadvertently created a homelessness problem for neighboring Aurora.

9News reported the mishap that left one man sleeping in his car on Thanksgiving after the City of Denver leased rooms at Aurora’s Quality Inn for 400 migrants, which pushed the other residents to move elsewhere.

Long story short, Johnston was still the hero of the hour claiming he demanded the hotel let their previous residents move back in, without any explanation as to why the other residents were evicted, or how everyone suddenly fit under one roof.

Somewhere muddled in the middle of the story, we learn Aurora officials were not informed as Johnston claimed, and city council officials were quite miffed about it.

Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky told 9News:

“He’s not fixing the homeless problem and now the migrant problem. He’s adding to it. He is creating homeless people. Maybe he doesn’t care because he’s creating homeless people in Aurora, not Denver. But I care very much,” Jurinsky said.

Councilman Curtis Gardner added: “To address one problem and create another problem, you’re really just shuffling people around at that point and playing games with people’s lives.”

Kyle Clark from 9News Next lectured the masses not to make the false equivalency that government will only help the migrants or the homeless but not both.

That may be an ongoing argument between homeless and immigrant advocates, but Coloradans with half a brain can see the real crisis continues to be that of Biden’s open border and abuse of asylum rules.

Add a rampant drug abuse problem with legal and illegal drugs leading to a mental health and homelessness crisis, and you have the untenable situation faced by Johnston.

Clark was right about one thing, Johnston is so obsessed with a campaign promise to get 1,000 people off the streets by the end of the year, he’s making stupid decisions that are negatively affecting people’s lives.