The honeymoon is over.

The Gazette has endorsed GOP challenger Jeff Hurd over incumbent Lauren Boebert to represent the Western Slope’s 3rd Congressional District in the June 25 Republican primary election.

We’re not going to pretend this is a surprise.

Boebert nearly lost the conservative seat in the 2022 election to an Aspen progressive. Yet instead of getting right with voters, she spiraled further downward and sparked a scandal of unimaginable stupidity.

PeakNation™ will recall exactly what we’re talking about. It was all so embarrassing.

Numerous Western Slope officials have already recalled their support from Boebert and endorsed Hurd, a well-respected attorney and native of Grand Junction.

Besides Hurd’s qualifications for the position of congressman, The Gazette notes the national ramifications of the Western Slope race.

The slim and divided 8-seat House Republican majority is the only thing resisting a left-wing juggernaut in the Washington swamp. Incumbent Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert has little chance of winning, even with her district’s 9-point Republican advantage and the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, who polls as the district’s favorite for the White House in 2024.


But the editorial board was just getting started:

Boebert has a seemingly intractable image problem, which has manifested in lackluster financial support. She appears divisive at a time when voters want peace.

Also noted:

Western Slope voters value statesmanship, moderation, diplomacy and soft-spoken strength — none of which defines their member of the House. They perceive Boebert as seeking celebrity status, more than results, which they frown upon.

Only 600 more frowns and Boebert would have lost the 2022 election.

We expect The Gazette is on the right track with its endorsement and projection of how the race will proceed in 2024, which will not include a return trip to D.C. for Boebert.